Sunday, January 24, 2010

CCS Customers - Students and Employers

Altria and Family of Companies, IB Interview Ready, Dominion, CSC, KPMG, Genworth Financial, Deloitte Consulting, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Wells Fargo, Ernst & Young, Moelis & Company, BB&T Capital Markets, KippsDeSanto, Paul Capital , Sagent Advisors.

     “How was your winter break?” is often asked of CCS when students return to class. While CCS team members did take a vacation around the holidays, we were also busy keeping the programming for the spring semester going forward. Our first program of 2010 began with the UVA Finance Trip to NYC the first week of January.
     The impressive list of companies mentioned above are working through our office this week, January 25 through January 29. They are holding resume reviews, mock interviews and actual interviews for McIntire students, and Altria and Family of Companies is generously hosting an etiquette dinner to be held in the dome room of the Rotunda Monday evening (sign up was required).
     Our CCS Team works hard to schedule these opportunities. Every team member has a hand in bringing employers to McIntire (next week and weeks to follow). It takes a team to manage this, too! We are always finding ways to keep the employer focus on the McIntire student. We have a slogan – Commerce Career Services – providing superior customer service to our students and employers. We all work very hard to provide an exemplary standard.
     On-Grounds interviewing (OGI) for internships will begin this week through University Career Services (UCS ) at Bryant Hall (CAVLink schedules) and through Commerce Career Services (CCS) 4th floor McIntire School of Commerce (CommTRAK schedules). The CCS staff is already getting the sense that the Class of 2011 is being very careful in managing their student workloads, scheduling interviews so as to not miss class. They are also not over extending themselves in signing up for too many interviews in one day. It is a tough balance to achieve and it does take careful planning. Keep up the good work!
     Please do not be discouraged if you have not been pre-selected for an interview just yet. Don’t forget the great resources available to you through CCS. We can tell you that opportunities have a way of presenting themselves, maybe not in your anticipated timeline, but they can present themselves. Remember that CCS works very hard year round to keep employment opportunities coming your way.
     In the meantime, practice your networking skills through company presentations and coffee networking and keep your student focus strong. You will be amazed, once in a professional life after school, that what you learn at McIntire will be used again and again. 
     We wish all who are interviewing this week the best and we look forward to learning about your progress. Have a GREAT week everyone!

Monday, January 18, 2010

"I have a dream"

Commerce Career Services is closed today in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. day, a state and federal holiday. We will open on Tuesday at 8:00 a.m.

I have enjoyed this holiday tremendously but I have also been in reflection of Dr. King's extraordinary contributions to humankind and how he was truly a man of peace. He taught people how to protest non-violently. One example that comes to mind is the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Simply put, people did not ride the bus until they could be assured that all people could sit any where on the bus. Many walked to their destinations and did this in all kinds of weather conditions and for months and months.

I was a teenager living in California enjoying spring break in a camp located in the Sierra mountains when Dr. King died April 4, 1968. The news quickly reached our remote location and plans were made to join a peace march that was being organized in Sacramento. Our group did march on Sacremento and it was completely peaceful. Thousands of people came to join this peace march. People of all walks of life and all colors walked hand in hand and in harmony. We sang and we walked. It was a fitting tribute to Dr. King's life and a most powerful experience for those who participated. One that I have never forgotten and have felt compelled to share with you today.
In peace,

"At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love." Martin Luther King, Jr.

This blog is in the process of being developed and a goal for this blog is to eventually replace the Career Services Weekly. We will be moving the location of this current blog to the CCS web site, and we will be sure to let you know when this happens. We thank you for your support.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Quiet Before The Storm

As I sit in the beautiful Commerce Career Services suite in Rouss & Robertson halls in the early morning hours of this Friday, I am taking in how very, very quiet it is. With classes NOT in session, there is very little student activity except for those taking their last class of the J term today.

A lot has happened since the winter break began. I heard on our local TV station this morning that the snow that we received December 19 and 20 (2 feet in most places) still remains on the ground and this amount of time has broken a local record. It has been 28 days since that storm. That simply just does not happen in the Charlottesville area.

We have a new UVA President-Elect, Dr. Teresa Sullivan, who came on grounds this week! I had the sincere pleasure of being in the dome room of the Rotunda when this announcement was made. The following day, Dr. Sullivan met with the faculty senate, deans, sat in a classroom lecture, had lunch with the president's staff, met with Mr. Sandridge's Executive Communication Council (in which I am a member) and she ended her day in an engineering research lab. We are entering into some very challenging, but exciting times in the history of the University. And Dr. Sullivan is already embracing the tasks at hand.

On a more serious note, the news of Haiti's earthquake disaster affects us all and we have learned about a Batten School student who's life has perished. The stories of human tragedy and triumph will continue and this story keeps unfolding.

This is the time of year where 4th years are embarking on their last semester as an undergrad student. The reality of no longer being a student starts to set in and a life as a professional is in the horizon and, yes, you will soon have to get up with the rest of the working world and sleeping until whenever in the morning will soon be a distant memory. We will soon start the process of launching our Destination Database to the Class of 2010 where they will be able to input where they are in the job search process.

If you do not have a job or internship lined up, please be encouraged that CCS remains at your service and will gladly work with you as you explore options. It is not unusual to have placement just yet. We work hard to keep the opportunities coming your way.

Yes, it is a quiet morning here in CCS, but on Tuesday, January 19, we will no doubt see the effects of students back on grounds and in the Rouss & Robertson halls once again. And believe it or not, it will be music to my ears...


Thursday, January 14, 2010

In the beginning

Welcome to the McIntire School of Commerce, Commerce Career Services Blog! It has been a goal to get a blog created so that we can address current issues that come up during the McIntire student recruiting seasons.

We have completed the fall recruiting season that focuses on the full time job opportunities and we have turned our focus on to the internship recruiting process. Our Employer-In-Residence (EnR) program is currently working with employers to conduct mock interviews with our third-year students as well as planning for an Etiquette Dinner (hosted by Altria family of companies) that will take place in the dome room of the Rotunda (sign-up is required and look for E-mail notices from Amanda Flora for additional details).

We have more and more EnR programs planned that will include resume critques, coffee networking and workshops. Refer to our calendar for dates and updates

We are certainly looking forward to a very successful spring semester working with students and recruiters and, in addition, developing our blog!